I don’t know, but I know God works in everything for good for me.

I don’t know, but I know God works in everything for good for me. 

“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” -Romans 8:28 

A few weeks ago my team leader tagged me in a post encouraging me to share a bible verse that was currently blessing me… and I am finally responding to that now. On April 17th I will have been in quarantine for a month, and on April 18th I will have been living in Peru for two months. Needless to say this isn’t how I imagined my second month of being in Peru. This past month of quarantine has been a mixture of stuff: It’s been filled with various joys, peace, struggles and lots of uncertainty. During this time in quarantine I’ve continually repeated this bible verse to myself to remind myself of the Lord’s goodness, 

“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.”

This bible verse has blessed me during this time as there have been so many things arising that I have never encountered, and when things seemed overwhelming I reminded myself that even though I can’t always see how the Lord is at work I can trust that He is at work. That even when there’s so much sorrow and pain around me in those struggling with the virus and the quarantine causing people to be unable to work— that Christ is still within it all. And going forward in this quarantine (which so far has been extended until April 26th) I know that there will be even more struggles and sorrows ahead that I can’t do anything about right now, but I know God will be with me and help me through all of it when they do come. 

I can rest in peace knowing that even though I do not know, that I can trust in everything the Lord is working for good for me. He called me here to Peru. He called me to serve in Pucacaca, Peru. He knows all the ways He wants to work through this time. Even though there are so many unknowns for us— God knows. Even though there are difficulties in being in this time of uncertainties and worries that arise from that— God is right next to me. It doesn’t mean that this time is going to be any easier, but I know that no matter what comes my way the Lord is with me to guide me and help me through it all. 

Every day is a blessing, every day is a day to grow deeper in our relationship with the Lord and receive what He has for us. Our tomorrow is not guaranteed— today could be the last day— how will I allow the Lord to work through me in this time? The Lord will work for good for us exactly where we are, exactly where He has placed us. We just need to trust in Him at each moment and surrender continually to all He has for us. 


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