Don't be anxious, go be the light!

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16

Christ is calling each and every one of us to shine His light to all those we meet, but sometimes it seems easier said then done. This Fall I'm joining Family Missions Company as a foreign missionary and many many things have come up to me as I prepare to leave in September for training. But one of the things that comes up, a lot, is worry. There are many different aspects that need to be taken care of before I leave. When I'm anxious or overwhelmed it can be hard to focus, it can be hard to keep my focus on Christ and focus on trusting Him. Even this morning I woke up and instantly my mind was on all the things I needed to work on. But instead of giving into that worry and starting on what I needed to do I came outside to sit down on the porch and begin my day with the Lord. I flipped through my bible and came to a verse that has always come up to me in the past and was very much needed for me to reflect on today. I came upon Luke 11:22-31. The "don't worry verse." The verse where the Lord tells you to not worry about different aspects of your life, that the Lord will provide. 

"And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be of anxious mind. For all the nations of the world seek these things; and your Father knows that you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things shall be yours as well."  Luke 11:29-31

Each day there will be things that need to be accomplished, there will be cares upon us in different ways, but through it all we need to trust that God will provide. One time I wanted to know why the Lord didn't want us to worry about tomorrow and so I asked Him and He responded simply,

"If you're so worried about tomorrow, so worried about things you can't take care of now then I can't work through you in the ways I want to today." 

If we are focused on our cares, our worries, or things we can't accomplish today, and if we allow ourselves to focus on all that instead of focusing on being present where the Lord has placed us, then there are many different beautiful moments the Lord has planned out for us that we could miss without even knowing it. There could be someone in your life who the Lord wants to work through you to touch, for you to pray with that person, be present to that person, to be Christ's hands and feet. But if you're worried and not present where the Lord has you you could miss those beautiful moments. Those moments where Christ wants to shine His light through us. 

Today if you have worries upon worries weighing on you, don't simply shrug them off and say "I can't be worried about this so I'm going to ignore what I'm worried about and push through." No, don't do that. Christ tells us to not worry, but He doesn't say to keep what we're worried about to ourselves. In 1 Peter 5:7 it says, 

"Cast all your anxieties on him, for he cares about you."

If you have something weighing on you, bring it up to Him in prayer. Talk to Him about it and then sit in silence with the Lord and ask for His guidance and help. Christ is the lover and healer of our hearts, and He wants to help us with all things and heal us of whatever we need to be healed of. Christ is the Light. Christ is the one who shines in the darkness. If we want to shine His light before men, we need to allow Him to penetrate our hearts and heal us so that we can then lovingly shine His light to others and share with them how deeply Christ cares for them. 

Don't be anxious, cast your cares upon Christ and allow Him to shine His light through you!

I pray you have a blessed day!  


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