Louisiana! First week of training at FMC

It's only been a week.

It's only been a week at Intake (also known as training) in Abbeville, Louisiana at Family Missions Company home base, and yet it feels like so much longer than that. This whole week I've been trying to figure out how best to explain all that has gone on this week, as there's just been so much going on in a short time. (It is a packed schedule so that we can receive an abundance of things before heading out to missions) I'll try my best to share this past week, but bear with me as this post may be a little bit everywhere. 

How have I been? Overall I've been doing really well. The first two days or so I was a bit overwhelmed. Just adjusting to the new area and the community, and just continuing to let it sink in that I'm here and God has led me here. One of my prayers this week was just simply asking St. Therese of Lisieux to intercede for me as I join this community, as she herself experienced the many things that went on in a community and I know she can relate to knowing she was where the Lord wanted her to be, yet encountering struggles within that call. I also prayed that I would be able to see Christ in all those I encounter here, that I would be able to love Him and serve Him in my new community. 

Those joining me in Intake this year are another single woman, four single guys, and four families  and their kids. This week Monday-Saturday we had morning prayer together. Going forward, each day during the week we will begin with some form of morning prayer and it varies as to what form of prayer we do depending on the day, but we always start with some praise and worship songs to begin the day praising the Lord. When we came together for that this week it was a blessing to see all the children (of varying ages) and all the joy that comes from having so many children and families together. 

Each day this week we had various talks to discuss, reflect on etc. The topics were: Missionary is a Saint, Prayer: The Soul of the Apostolate, Spiritual Warfare, Praise/Thanksgiving and Rejoicing, Boundaries, Communication and Conflict, Total Commitment. All of the talks given were wonderful and great things for us to go over that will help us all in our journey towards the Lord and on our journey in missions. The next few weeks the schedules will vary, but we'll always have some form of formation. 

Besides formation, chores, prayer (we are asked to make sure to each take at least 30 minutes daily in the FMC chapel in prayer/ and also take time to reflect on scripture) this week we also took different times to hang out and enjoy fellowship and get to know each other more as we begin training. On Tuesday we went to a splash park (and I may have greatly enjoyed getting wet and following adorable children around the park), then later that night we had a Cajun dinner with fellowship and I got to eat alligator sandwich for the first time! (It was delicious! ) Today we went to a camp that FMC owns that has a pool and we spent a few hours enjoying fellowship there.

Now, know that this doesn't at all fully explain this week, there are so many more things I could share with you, but I wanted to get something sent out for you all to have a glimpse of what this first week has been like. This week I just kept stopping myself and reflecting on how it's all so different from where I was before and while it's different and new it feels so right. Yes, there will still be struggles and things to grow through while here and when I'm in a foreign country. But there are so many ways the Lord is blessing me here. One thing I've felt greatly blessed by is the conversations and fellowship with those here that make me feel like I've known them far longer than a week.  The community truly is beautiful and definitely feel like I fit in and feel so blessed to be able to journey with Family Missions Company for at least the next two years.

Ultimately the community here, the fellowship, all that we are learning and going through and growing in, and how we're all striving towards God and all that He wants for us is amazing! I know without a doubt that the Lord is calling me to this crazy and wonderful journey. Thank you again to all of those who are supporting me financially making it possible for me to be here, to be able to do what Christ is calling me to do and to be able to go out and shine His light wherever He sends me. Thank you also to all those praying for me, I have definitely felt and greatly appreciate all of your prayers and they truly make a difference. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers! Please reach out to me if you have any questions for me or have any ways you want me to pray for you. 


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